Community, education and outreach
This WP is dedicated to educational activity, press and communication activity and dissemination of the main achievements of the ASPIS project.
We foresee the following main activities:
Production of periodic reports and final report to the Coordinator Educational and outreach activity:
- participation in the Italian edition of European Researchers’ Night 2023;
- organisation of a virtual ASPIS event open to all schools interested in SWE events; preparation of short presentation for high-level education students.
Press and communication activity:
- advertising the ASPIS project through national and international scientific media (e.g. media INAF, local outreach events dedicated to SWE, etc);
- Participation in European Space Weather Week 2023 with a stand that will demonstrate, at least, one target SWE event case with its data and modelling used to analyse it
Dissemination activity:
- Art contest, a live event and social campaign aimed at bringing the public closer to the space weather researchers.
- Preparation and publication of headlines on the CAESAR activities