CAESAR Work Breakdown Structure
In order to perform the scientific and technological activities, CAESAR is organised in three nodes (NODE 1000, NODE 2000, NODE 3000), managed and coordinated by the Work Package (WP) 0.1: Management (Figure 1).
NODE 1000 (Figure 2) is devoted to the scientific activities for the study of the characteristics and physical processes involved in the extreme Space Weather events. NODE 1000 includes seven high level (HL) WPs which generally reflect
the different application domains. Each HL WP is articulated into a
number of WPs in order to address the specific tasks of each domain, although in
strong synergy between each other. A strong collaboration will exist also between WPs of
different HL WPs and with the other two nodes.
NODE 2000 (figure 3) is dedicated to the technological development of the ASPIS prototype and is divided into 3 different HL WPs for the database (DB), interface and metadata, respectively. Each HL WP is organized into three WPs for specific activities (e.g., database design, implementation and population) which will be in strong synergy with each other and the WPs of the other HL WPs.
NODE 3000 (Figure 4) is divided into 3 WPs dedicated to: creation of the CAESAR website; dissemination both to the Space Weather scientific community and users, as well as to universities, schools and the general public; organization of the final Workshop of the project.